Success Stories
Patient Stories
Infertility can be an isolating struggle; however, over 6.1 million women in the United States are battling infertility alongside you. Sharing stories have always been a way to empower everyone in the infertility community. Check out some of the stories below and see how much you can relate to another fertility warrior.
My husband and I had been trying for about a year before we got recommended to Dr. Lin. It was 2020 and we had been undergoing testing with our doctor. She advised us to just keep trying, we tried, but still, nothing happened. So, I asked for a recommendation for a fertility specialist. She of course recommended Dr. Lin. In the following weeks, we had so many signs that this path with RFC was the one we were meant to be on.
We were unknowingly referred to Dr. Lin three times, and I couldn’t believe it. The first time I was at a friend’s house, catching up and letting them know we were going to meet a new infertility doctor. As I shared, my friend told me they had their kid with Dr. Lin and highly recommended him if this doctor didn’t work out. I was so shocked as I told them that our new infertility doctor was Dr. Lin.
At first, it was just a small coincidence. But then again, while my husband and I were at a bar making small talk, someone asked if we had kids. We told them we were trying, and they immediately recommended us to Dr. Lin. If those two times weren’t enough of a sign, while my husband was out golfing, he was asked if he had kids. And as he told them we were trying, this golfer told him, ‘‘Oh, my wife and I went to Dr. Lin, and we highly recommend you go see him if you have the chance.’’ It was such a comforting sign to hear all these people talking about Dr. Lin. All I could think was if he could help all these wonderful families, he would be able to help ours and give us our baby, too.
I loved my journey at RFC. We first started with fertility treatments and IUI (we did a total of 4) with Dr. Lin at the beginning of March of 2021 and then did IVF in 2022. I remember sitting in the waiting room and seeing different patients wait with me and then stop coming in as they completed their journey. All I could think to do was to reassure myself my day would come when I wouldn’t have to wait any longer.
For me, the toughest season was the holidays. To all the #ivfwarriors going through the holidays this year while going through fertility treatment, my holiday advice is be kind to yourself and allow yourself to be a little selfish. Give yourself grace and the ability to say no if events are too much.
I still remember going to family gatherings and seeing everyone who was pregnant and how “easy” it was for them while I was going through my fertility treatment and trying so persistently. I remember that I would try so hard to hide my sadness behind my smile. I would repeat to myself “Don’t be the bitter person but the better person”, yet it was still so hard. I hope if your experience is similar, it brings reassurance to read mine because it’s okay to feel all of it: angry, sad, jealous, whatever it is; because no one can tell you how to feel but you.
I am thankful for RFC as it became my home with every appointment. They made me feel so comfortable, and I was so appreciative. I couldn’t believe it when we had our IVF transfer stick in September! The day I wished so hard for in the waiting room was finally here.
Paula impacted me the most, of course. I love Paula so much. I know I probably drove her crazy with all those calls but thank you. She is such a calming presence. She always stays level and tells me everything will be okay, which is exactly what I needed to hear during my journey.
It took us 3 ½ years total of trying and I’m so glad that once I came to RFC was able to make my dream of family come true. We are just so excited to finally meet our baby. We truly can’t wait and are looking forward to being a family.
I researched every clinic in OC and something told me to go with this one, and so glad It has been 5 months since my process began and today I am almost 9 weeks pregnant. Today, they “graduated me” from the clinic and it was a little emotional for me to leave. I wish I could continue my entire pregnancy with them as I am very comfortable and pleased with them. I was lucky enough to get Dr. Lin who is super genuine, knowledgeable, and he is actually very funny. I felt very comfortable with him since day 1 and will come back to him for kid #2 no doubt. His coordinator is Paula and she is amazing as well. She always answered all the questions I had (and I had A LOT) and went out of her way to help me in every way imaginable. Fawn, Rosio, Lauren, Heidi, Lesly and the other nurses (i don’t remember all their names) were always very helpful and attentive to any questions I had. Overall, I loved the vibes of this clinic and would recommend it 100%.
My husband and I tried to get pregnant on our own for a while. When it wasn’t happening, we went through all the infertility testing, and when everything came back normal, we were diagnosed with “unexplained in fertility.” We went to two different fertility doctors, and were told that IVF would most likely be the only way we would get pregnant. We decided to sit on this for a few months and proceed with treatment at the beginning of this year. I wanted one more opinion, so we went to Dr. Lin in January 2016.
After reviewing all of our medical records and having a consultation, Dr. Lin recommended that we try a less invasive procedure first-IUI. The first non-medicated IUI didn’t work, so we moved on to an IUI with chlomid and a trigger shot. I am now 14 weeks pregnant with our little boy!
Dr. Lin and his staff are warm, friendly, and make you feel comfortable. Paula was my nurse coordinator and she was great about getting back to me about all my questions, and Lauren at the front office was always so sweet and sincere. Dr. Lin is the best and cheered for my husband and I throughout the entire process.
If you are struggling with getting pregnant or some sort of infertility, I highly recommend going to meet with Dr. Lin. A lot of money and time is invested in fertility treatments, and the Dr. and his staff really care about their patients!
Dr. Lin and his staff are amazing. We cannot say enough about him, his team, or his facility. This is a very delicate subject, so I think it warrants a longer review, so people can know what to expect when they reach out to Reproductive Fertility Center.
TL;DR: RFC is amazing and we recommend Dr. Lin and his team without hesitation.
Between all the testing of my wife and myself, there was no medical reason that we couldn’t conceive naturally. We were in our early-30’s when we began this journey, so time wasn’t on our side. If you’re here looking at fertility clinics, we know the journey. Our heart breaks for those that have difficulty conceiving; we know what that does and how it makes you feel. Dr. Lin and his staff live in this world day-in and day-out, and they are extremely warm, welcoming, and understanding of what people have gone through before they even visit their clinic.
Conceiving is a question of science and odds. There are countless factors that impact a potential pregnancy. It’s important to know that going in – it’s a numbers game. Obviously, more healthy embryos mean more transferable embryos mean more chances for implantation and more chances for a healthy baby 9 months later. Dr Lin kept us focused on the process, in this context, and I think it was really calming and easy to understand.
RFC was our second clinic that we worked with. Our first was obviously unsuccessful. In that clinic, we tried IUI 4 times and were not able to conceive. Maybe we were destined for IVF all along, maybe IVF would have worked there, but after the emotional journey of 4 IUI attempts, it was time for change. We were referred to RFC from a friend and without disparaging our first clinic, the experience at RFC was amazing. Their staff treats you like family, they are flexible with early morning and late afternoon appointments, they all know your name and make you feel as if they are with you every step of the way.
Without getting too far into the details, after retrieval, fertilization, genetic testing, and washing, we ended up with 8 viable embryos. My superhero of a wife was amazing throughout this physically and emotionally draining process. The one technical piece of advice I think is worth sharing is that our first attempt, a fresh transfer of two embryos, failed. Dr. Lin tried to convince us to wait a month, to let your body and your hormones recalibrate (after months of more pills, shots, scans, and tests than you ever want to imagine), but again, if you’re at this point in the journey, you’re just thinking now now now. We should have listened to him. After the crushing news, we waited a month, proceeded with a frozen transfer, and got the amazing news two weeks later. We were obviously elated. 13 months after our first meeting with Dr. Lin, we delivered a happy and healthy son. We owe so much to Dr. Lin, it’s almost impossible to put it into a Yelp review. Fast forward a year-and-half, and we are now expecting our second child, also conceived via IVF with the help of Dr. Lin and team. Our first attempt was successful and we’re excited to welcome our son’s sibling early next year. Again, no one wants any advice at this point of their journey, but if you’re reading this, I’ll tell you, frozen transfer has a markedly higher rate of success, and it worked out for us exactly as Dr. Lin had suggested.
Dr. Lin has a great personality, and tries his best to keep such a heavy subject light and comfortable. He has a great sense of humor, which really helps. He explains every thing that is happening, every step of the way. Your team at RFC is yours, so you know who you’re working with, and it’s the same people from start to finish. Our office manager Margie was fantastic. Obviously, the financial aspect of this process is somewhat daunting, but she was great to work with and very transparent. Our coordinator Paula was wonderful, even when she delivered bad news, and especially when she delivered the great news (twice!). The entire nursing staff is great, and we really don’t have any negative thing to say about anyone on the team.
It’s a big decision getting here, and you really can’t go wrong with RFC. No facility can guarantee success. All you can hope for is the best care with an amazing doctor who surrounds himself with a stellar team committed to helping you through this, and that’s exactly what you get with RFC. We are forever indebted to Dr. Lin and his team, and recommend them to anyone who is considering fertility support.
After finding Dr. Lin on Yelp I decided to see him since I wanted to do my first IUI and be close to home since I knew I would be having to go in early for prepping for IUI. I first saw him in May and explained to him I have low AMH levels with history of miscarriage and after reviewing my records he advised that I would probably have a good chance with my age with IUI. I decided to go forward with IUI in May and he sent me out for an HSG to get all the cobwebs cleaned (my test was good and nothing was wrong but I think it helps to do all things possible in order to increase odds). Dr. Lin prescribed me Clomid 100 for 5 days and I produced two (2) mature follicles over 18mm; I triggered at home with Ovidrel on a Saturday and was inseminated on Monday morning. I was not feeling positive about it since I had been trying for a year after seeing other doctors. Went in 2 weeks later for blood work and told them there was no need to test since my digital pregnancy test was negative the day before and I was feeling discouraged. When the nurse called a few hours later I did not want to pick up because I did not want to hear the same thing I had always heard saying I had a negative pregnancy test…I let it go to voicemail. I then listened to it and immediately cried when the nurse said it was POSITIVE (a low positive and to be “cautiously optimistic”). I was scared but I think they just caught it so early that it was low hCG level. Currently I am 8 weeks and my baby is growing!! Has a heartbeat of 176 and I could not be happier. The office has officially graduated me and gave me the cutest teddy bear. I can’t thank them enough to help me with my first IUI success.
I highly recommend Reproductive Fertility Center! A coworker referred me here and now I have referred friends who are also dealing with infertility. Everyone I’ve referred has told me how impressed they were with Dr. Lin and his staff.
Before coming to Reproductive Fertility Center, I suffered from infertility for a few years and had 6 failed intrauterine inseminations (IUIs). I had a laparoscopy, hysterosalpingogram (HSG), and several blood tests done and the reason for my infertility remained unknown. It was very frustrating and emotionally draining to attempt so many IUI’s over three years and to never end up pregnant.
When I initially met Dr. Lin, he was very inviting and treated my husband and I like family. He took the time to answer every question my husband and I had; every concern was addressed and handled with compassion and honesty. The staff was equally as professional and compassionate. Our case manager, Jennifer, did an outstanding job of organizing our treatment plans and making the financial aspect manageable. Dr. Lin has three offices, all of which we’re clean and easily accessible. The Irvine office (where medical procedures occur) is state of the art.
During the growing phase of IVF, Dr. Lin called me daily to update me on my follicle growth and lab results. After the retrieval, he continued to update me daily on the embryo growth. I appreciated the daily updates because a lot of practitioners assume their patients do not need to know every detail in the IVF process. I was glad Dr. Lin included me in every step of the IVF process. Unfortunately my first IVF did not work and I was devastated. Dr. Lin continued to surprise me and showed how compassionate he was. I have had other doctors give negative pregnancy results and not show any sympathy. Dr. Lin expressed sympathy and showed understanding. In the end I did get my positive result and just had my miracle baby! I am so thankful to Dr. Lin and his staff!!!
I would recommend Reproductive Fertility Center to any of my family and friends and will continue to refer anyone who needs a fertility specialist. Thank you Dr. Lin for giving us our miracle baby!
Dr. Lin made my dream come true! With his help, I was able to become pregnant again after many years (5) of unexplained infertility. I was referred to him by a friend who he “also” helped get pregnant right away. Dr. Lin suggested doing an IUI since all of my tests came back normal and my husband had a good sperm count. Well sure enough, I got pregnant with my first IUI – unbelievable! As a result, we now have a beautiful 1 year old baby boy. Also, I think giving birth to my baby somehow reset my system, because I spontaneously became pregnant “again” when my baby turned 9 months old. Talk about a blessing! Also, he has an AMAZING STAFF! Thank you PAULA, ROCIO & LAUREN for your GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE. And of course, thank you DR. LIN for making my dream come true after so long. Every penny spent here was WELL WORTH IT! God Bless. 🙂
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I tried for nearly 6 years to get pregnant. I had multiple surgeries, procedures, medications, you name it. Dr Lin respected my faith and never mentioned aborting any embryos that were created. When I was 41 he was honest, and said I had a 10% chance of getting pregnant. Well, I succeeded with my 10%. Out of 10 eggs they retrieved, 7 were able to be fertilized and only 2 made it to be frozen. Out of the 2 that were implanted, 1 made it and I have a beautiful 6 month old. The staff were so nice, really routing for me. The one nurse even said she prayed for me. I would recommend reproductive Fertility center to anyone who thinks their case is hopeless. I’m going back this year, already have an appointment. Dr. Lin has a great reputation and I know first hand the reason for that. Don’t wait any longer, make an appointment today. He has offices all over the place. I went to Irvine, and Diamond Bar. I feel like the staff is part of my family now.