What Does the Color Orange Mean?

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Experiencing fertility issues can be discouraging, and often isolating, for many.  However, National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is the time of the year which aims to provide relief and community for those facing fertility obstacles. This week is all about inspiring community and connection through sharing personal stories and symbolism. Resolve has chosen the color orange to represent the theme of unification for NIAW 2023. Read more to find out the significance of the color orange and how you can support others during this year’s National Infertility Awareness Week.  


In ancient times, the color orange was symbolic and used in different ways throughout the world. In ancient Egypt, orange was associated with the sun and was considered a sacred color, often used to represent the life-giving power of the sun god, Ra. In China, orange was associated with good luck and prosperity, often used in traditional ceremonies and festivals.

In color psychology, orange is thought to be a dynamic and uplifting color that can stimulate creativity, enthusiasm, and joy. It is also associated with optimism, socialization, and a sense of adventure.

Woman in orange shirt meditating

Spiritually, orange is sometimes used as a color associated with the second or sacral chakra, which is believed to be in the lower abdomen and governs issues related to creativity, sensuality, and reproduction. In the mystical sense, orange can be seen as representing the vital life force energy associated with the sacral chakra, which if nurtured could support fertility and reproductive health.

The color orange has held a powerful cultural and spiritual meaning of the color orange over time, representing everything from bringing in new life and prosperity.

Other Symbols Associated with Fertility

Across the world, there are various symbols of fertility. Some of the symbols are even thought to increase the chances of pregnancy. Fertility symbols can take many forms, including images of plants, animals, and human anatomy, and have been found in cultures around the world.

These symbols include:

  • Iris: The iris flower has been used as a symbol of hope, renewal, and new beginnings. This is partly because the iris blooms in early spring, which is often seen as a time of rebirth and growth. In some cultures, the iris has also been associated with the goddess of love and fertility, Aphrodite.
  • Pineapple: The pineapple has become a symbol of in vitro fertilization or IVF. The rough exterior of a pineapple is similar in texture to the uterus, which has led some IVF patients to use pineapple imagery as a source of hope and optimism during the often difficult and emotional IVF process. Pineapple imagery has also become a popular way for IVF patients to connect with and support one another through online forums and social media.
  • Easter egg: Easter eggs are a traditional symbol of fertility, renewal, and new life, and are often associated with springtime and the Christian celebration of Easter. Eggs have been used as a symbol of fertility and new beginnings for thousands of years. Whether viewed from a worldly or religious perspective, the egg is a powerful symbol of hope, growth, and the potential for new life.
  • Peacock:  The peacock for some is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, which can be seen as a positive sign for those seeking to start a family. In some cultures, peacock feathers have been used in traditional medicine or spiritual practices to promote fertility or protect against infertility.
  • Pinecone: Pinecones have been used as a symbol of fertility and regeneration in many cultures and traditions around the world. In ancient Greece, the pinecone was associated with the god Dionysus, who was the god of fertility, wine, and agriculture. This symbolism of renewal and growth is often associated with fertility and the cycle of life.
Person holding a pinecone.
  • The Venus of Willendorf: The Venus of Willendorf is often interpreted as a prehistoric symbol of fertility and motherhood, due to its exaggerated features that emphasize the female reproductive system. These figurines are believed to have been used in rituals and ceremonies related to fertility and childbirth and may have been associated with the worship of goddesses or other divine feminine figures.
  • Sheela na Gig: While the origins and meaning of the Sheela na Gig are not entirely clear, many scholars and folklorists believe that she was originally a pre-Christian fertility goddess, associated with the powers of birth, death, and regeneration. Some also believe that she may have been a figure of protection, warding off evil spirits and protecting women during childbirth.
  • Rabbits: Rabbits have long been associated with fertility and reproduction, due to their reputation for their ability to rapidly produce. In some Native American cultures, the rabbit was seen as a symbol of abundance and fertility and was sometimes incorporated into fertility rituals and ceremonies. The rabbit remains an important and meaningful symbol of fertility and new beginnings.
  • Pomegranate: Pomegranates were also believed to have medicinal properties and were used to treat a variety of ailments related to fertility and reproductive health. Studies have shown that the fruit is high in antioxidants, which may help to protect against damage to the reproductive system caused by oxidative stress. Pomegranates are also high in vitamins C and K, which are important for reproductive health and may have anti-inflammatory effects that could be beneficial for fertility.

Standing With Others in Support

Infertility is a condition that affects millions of people around the world yet is still misunderstood. The lack of awareness surrounding infertility can have negative impacts on individuals and couples who are struggling to conceive. That’s why spreading awareness about infertility is crucial to helping those affected by this condition. This year Resolve declares that we can demonstrate that we stand with others by wearing orange.
Ways you can stand with those experiencing infertility are:

Posting on social media: Social media has become an essential tool for spreading awareness about infertility. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok can bring millions together and connect on a personal level. Posting pictures of yourself simply with an orange shirt, socks, or with orange nails can aid in spreading awareness. Take a picture and tag @resolveorg and @reproductivefertilitycenter_ using the hashtags #WearOrange and #LightItUpOrange.

Bring orange to work with you: Wearing orange to work can be a powerful way to demonstrate solidarity with individuals and couples who are struggling with infertility. Orange is the color of the infertility awareness ribbon and wearing it to work can show your support for those who are going through this difficult journey. It can also spark conversations and raise awareness about infertility in your workplace, helping to break down the stigmas and misconceptions that often surround this issue. By wearing orange, you can help to create a more supportive and compassionate environment for those who are dealing with infertility and let them know that they are not alone.

It is important to remember that infertility is a deeply personal issue, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It is essential to recognize that people who are experiencing fertility have guidance, support, and love around them. RFC has been assisting families with fertility challenges for almost two decades. Contact our team of fertility specialists to see how we can help you grow your family!

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