Why is Orange the Color of Fertility?

Orange color themed image with glasses of water and cuts of oranges White text in the center reads "Why Orange?"

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As a representation of infertility awareness, orange stands out vividly. The orange infertility awareness ribbon symbolizes the strength and struggles of 1 in 6 women worldwide. With its vibrant hue and deep symbolism, orange has become the color of solidarity and support for those navigating the often challenging journey of infertility.

But why orange? What is the connection between orange and fertility?

1. Orange is bold

a field of purple and orange flowers with orange flowers in the foreground

The color orange is a clear sign of visibility for infertility awareness. In a sea of colors, orange stands out boldly which is why it is the perfect color to bring attention and shine a light on the challenges that come with infertility, something that is often overlooked and crowded with stigma.

Orange as a fertility symbol reminds those around us that fertility struggles are something that is a lot more common than thought and it gathers more support and understanding for those who have faced those challenges.

2. Orange is optimistic

The color orange can have various representations. Orange is comprised of both red and yellow. Red often symbolizes love and passion, while yellow, commonly represents happiness and hope. Together, they create orange, signifying optimism derived from love, passion, happiness, and hope.

A blended gradient of red and yellow, creating orange White text in the center reads "love, passion, happiness, and hope"

With orange as the color for infertility awareness, it provides optimism for those who have or are experiencing fertility challenges

3. Orange is spiritual

Sketch of a human in a sitting yoga position with 7 crystals corresponding to the 7 chakra

In Hinduism, orange is the color for the sacral chakra, or the second chakra in the chakra system. Chakra is the various energy points in the body that are used in ancient meditation practices.

The second chakra is located at the lower abdomen, representing creativity, sexuality, and the reproductive organs. When faced with fertility struggles, the second chakra is the one to focus on.

4. Orange is transformative

In nature, orange is often associated with the changing of seasons, particularly autumn. In autumn the leaves transform from summer green to fall orange, representing a time of transformation and renewal.

In the context of infertility, orange can symbolize the journey of change that individuals and couples undergo as they navigate fertility treatments, explore alternative options, and ultimately seek to build their families. It represents the optimism for new beginnings and the resilience to overcome obstacles on the path to parenthood.

Wear Orange!

People of different ethnicity and pets wear orange, happy expression

While the symbolism of orange is not universally the same, the color orange can mean many things related to life and reproduction.

For couples trying to conceive worldwide, orange remains a color that brings people together in a shared cause, representing unity and support while also raising awareness for infertility and connecting individuals and couples facing fertility challenges with understanding and empathy.

The orange infertility awareness ribbon represents visibility, passion, transformation, and solidarity. Wearing the ribbon during NIAW serves as a powerful mode of empowerment for those on the journey to parenthood. So let us embrace orange as more than just a color but as a symbol of strength and unity in the face of infertility.

Join us, whether at work or home, by wearing orange and capturing a photo for social media! By helping to raise awareness about infertility, it not only shows solidarity and support, but it also helps to lessen the stigma that often surrounds infertility and fertility treatments.

Take a picture and tag @resolveorg and @reproductivefertilitycenter_ using the hashtag #WearOrange2024!

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