A Gift from Us to You.

We would like to gift you with a little surprise this holiday season! To help you keep on track toward your fertility goals, we have created a fun daily checklist calendar for you to follow easily! Every day, you will have the option to check all the pro-fertility tips you performed for the day.

Goals for The Challenge

The holiday season is already tough, and it can be very easy to feel discouraged. However, we hope that this challenge will still motivate you to keep going and persevere. Here are the 4 big goals we have for you:

  1. BE GRATEFUL: Have a 3-minute meditation session with a grateful heart and deep breaths.
  2. EAT MINDFULLY: Eat a clean diet by limiting processed foods and sugary desserts to only a quarter of your portion.
  3. MOVE YOUR BODY: Do a 30-minute of your favorite exercise – walking, running, cycling, yoga, HIIT, dancing, etc.
  4. SLEEP SOUNDLY: Go to bed early to keep your 8 hours of sleep per night. Put your smart phone away from the bed.

How to Participate

  1. Download the free printable calendar here.
  2. Every day, cross off any item you have performed.
  3. Share how you’re doing with us by tagging us on Instagram @ReproductiveFertilityCenter_ via post or story!

What If I Start Late?

Although the challenge officially begins Friday, December 1st; we welcome you to start whenever you want to start practicing healthy habits for your fertility. Whether you participate in this challenge for all 30 days or only 5 days, we hope you benefit from these lifestyle tips!

What If I Do Not Complete All The Tasks?

This challenge is not meant to win any rewards or prizes, but rather, it will allow you to keep yourself on track during the holiday season!

And don’t forget! Some days you will find it harder to reach your goal, but that is okay. Remember that we are all not perfect. So, let’s continue to focus on the positive changes we can make each day.